Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Inside the Dungeon Walls

The king gave punishment a whole new meaning, he methods were, well, medieval. One punishment was branding prisoners, there were typically three places that prisoners were branded. The cheek, all could see the mark, behind the thumb, and on the chest (easier to hide). Another medieval method was pressing, a wooden board was placed on a prisoner, then, every day more weight was added on the board. The prisoner was only given enough food to survive. One other method was cutting fingers, the prisoner's fingers were locked in a 'head lock' but the holes were made for fingers.

In the medieval castle there were two usual methods of execution, drowning and hanging. In the method of hanging, prisoners stood on a 'stand' with a noose and trap door. The prisoners crimes were said then they were tied to the noose. When the trap door was released the prisoner fell with the rope on his neck, he was chocked to death. Drowning, another method of execution was just as bad. The criminal was either drowned in the village pond or the moat. Now that you know methods of execution and torture, you know why people call them medieval methods.


  1. Oh wow!These punishments really ARE medievel! You have a lot of voice in this post. I would never want to commit a crime in medieval Europe!

  2. dannnggg, i would not want to be living where that king ruled! you did a great job shane!

  3. Wow, I think it was interesting to know what the punishments were. That sound REALLY painful. The most interesting though was learning about how they put the prisoner in a headlock and cut his fingers off. Ewww.

  4. Hanging someone, that just seems horrible! Why would you do that to someone?! And the drowning is just as bad!!! I'm so glad I didn't live back then.....

  5. Man that sound awful I would hate to have my fingers cut off in a head lock or be hung it all just sounds awful.

  6. All that sounds terrible. I would never want to live back then in medieval times! It would be really painful! Especially there ways of punishment!

  7. Those are some harsh punishments!!! I wouldn't want to live back then. One wrong move and you could get hanged. Ahhh! And getting branded would hurt REALLY bad. Those just seem horrible... but it was their way of justice.

  8. I would absolutly HATE to be hung! These punishments are horrible! I wouldnt want to live somewhere with punishments like this, I am very greatful that isnt the case here!

  9. I think this would be one of the most painful punishments. Having a slow painful death would be TERRIBLE!

  10. Those punishments are horrible!! I wouldnt be able to watch them do that to anybody!! I think that is completly unfair!

  11. O_O ouch...
    I am REALLY glad we dont have THAT anymore -_-'
    Hold on, question: what KIND of things got this knid of punishment? jw

